On June 25, 2021, the Pentagon released its report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) to Congress. No big secrets were revealed, but the report also didn’t eliminate the possibility that such phenomena might be due to extraterrestrial visitors.
During its investigation of reported incidents that occurred between 2004 and 2021, only one UAP was identified “with high confidence.” Regarding that particular case, the report states, “We identified the object as a large, deflating balloon. The others remain unexplained.”
Among the unexplained is a group categorized as “Other.” As stated: “We would group such objects in this category pending scientific advances that allowed us to better understand them.”
Advanced technology could be coming from other countries, such as Russia or China. Or, as many ufologists believe, from somewhere much further.
The notion of extraterrestrial visitors is hardly new. It goes back centuries, but took on a new level interest in 1947 when Kenneth Arnold saw what became termed “flying saucers.” Thousands of sightings followed, and numerous abductions have been described. Some under hypnotism. And others, according to Dr. George Hunt Williamson, involved messages from “International Morse Code through radiotelegraphy.”
Williamson, who was the head of the department of anthropology at Great Western University, San Francisco, compiled a series of these experiences in his 1954 book, The Saucers Speak (republished in 1963). He claimed to have seen a flying saucer land in the desert of California in fall 1952.

At the time many believed testing of atomic bombs and the eventual use of them in Hiroshima and Nagasaki led to the visitation of concerned extraterrestrials. Was our advanced technology growing dangerous to the universe? Were we on the verge of threatening other worlds? Or were they coming to Earth to warn us of our own potential destruction?
Williamson gathered a variety of messages. Some were indeed warnings, others were simply learnings about the universe, like why the sky is blue—a friendly lesson from a resident of Mercury.
Below are a few samples from Williamson’s speaking saucers:
23 August 1952, 5:18 P.M.
“Regga speaking. You made contact with us on radio yesterday. I think Lowell Observatory saw us.”
“This is Zo. It wasn’t altogether our fault that we didn’t make a good contact last night. Affa was talking to me last night. He helps us in many ways. Soon there will be another contact. You have already had good contact with us. Be patient! Affa is from the planet Uranus. He was listening in last night. Be careful metre band is all right. We will do our best on radio contact. …
“Affa of Uranus tries to keep us from talking to you. Uranus doesn’t believe in too much contact with the Earth planet. Affa told me not to let you hear us, but I arranged so you could hear some thing. He interfered then, but helps otherwise. He was afraid of Lowell Observatory. The ‘big eyes’ were looking at us, and they are doing special work up there on the mountain now. They have installed certain types of electronic equipment.
“California earthquake was caused by your planet’s magnetic disturbances. We must tell you about Orion. Many there wish to conquer Universe. We are here to warn you of this also. However, we find few receptive persons on Saras. You are helping us now by what you are doing.”
24 August 1952 (11.40 a.m.)
“This is Actar of Mercury speaking. We are the radio centre for this Solar System because of our nearness to great Sun. We are now on your first Moon. Zo is here, also. Did you know that your blue sky of Earth is due to the Resonating Electro-Magnetic Field? It is the reason your stars twinkle near the horizon and give off so many colours. Your scientists do not know what causes this. Some on Saras know what Chinvat is. Your scientists claim that the Solar System had its beginning in a big cloud of gas and dust. They call this the Nebular Ilypothesis. Others speak of the Plane resimal Theory where the sun was supposed to have come closer to another star. But they do not agree on any of these ideas. They must honestly admit that they do not know how the earth and the other planets came into being. Did you know that comets are really planets, however. Planets are made like a snowball rolling down a mountain, and they get bigger and bigger.”
If only they would’ve offered more valuable information, like how to safely traverse the universe so we could impart our own knowledge to other worlds.