Are we alone? It’s a question humankind has been asking ever since looking up at the stars and contemplating our role in the universe. Since the 1960s we’ve been sending ships into space to explore. We’ve got a probe heading to the sun, orbiters studying distant moons, robots on Mars—and at the end of October, NASA re-established contact with its Voyager 2 spacecraft, launched from Earth in 1977. It’s now more than 11.6 billion miles from Earth. Is it possible that somewhere, beyond those 11.6 billion miles, another civilization has been doing the same thing?

In a special episode of the Weird Historian podcast, I talk about UFOs and extraterrestrial life with Lee Speigel, co-producer and co-writer of the new documentary, The Phenomenon, directed by James Fox. Speigel also hosts Edge of Reality Radio, has written extensively on UFOs for HuffPost, and is the only man to have ever organized a conference on UFOs at the United Nations.
In just one hour, as Speigel discusses the many high-ranking officials who shared their beliefs, including Senator Harry Reid, and recounts his own remarkable UFO experience, he may convince you that we’re closer to finally finding out if our pale blue dot has company.
Find out more about The Phenomenon and where to watch right here.