Jim the Wonder Dog Truly Lived Up to His Name

Cults, Cryptids, and Cursed Objects: One Quirk Author Interviews Another

The Phantom Barber of Pascagoula Strikes Fear into Innocent Follicles

An Interview with a Horror Historian: Jeremy Dauber, Author of “American Scary”

The Ouija Board Told Her to Kill, She Listened

Don’t Mess with the Not-So-Greatest Knife Thrower

“Atlas of Paranormal Places” Enlightens Dark Tourists

The Man Who Didn’t Sleep for (At Least) Thirty Years

Skull Moss: History’s Gruesome Cure for Whatever Ails You

Did Aliens Leave Their Elongated Skulls Behind?

When the Earth was Flat and Surrounded by Walls of Ice

Meet Thomas Inglefield: A Peek into the Pages of “Kirby’s Wonderful and Eccentric Museum”

The Case For Spirit Photography is Back From the Dead

Martians, Hoaxers, and UFOs at the Turn of the Century: The Great Airship Flap of 1896 and 1897

Peril and Pride in Proboscis Peanut-Pushing Up Pikes Peak

Warnings from Jupiter, and Other Extraterrestrial Experiences from Contactees of the 1950s

Just One of Hereward Carrington’s Many Adventures in Spiritualism

A Gang of Ghouls Go After Lincoln’s Body

We Are Not Alone: The Extraordinary History of UFOs and Aliens Invading Our Hopes, Fears, and Fantasies

Swallowing Swords and Loaded Guns: The Key to a Happy Marriage

Werewolf Stories to Tell Under a Full Moon (or Any Moon)

Angus MacAskill, World’s Strongest Giant?

The Wondrous, Marvelous, Curative Miracle That Wasn’t: Dr. Hercules Sanche’s Oxydonor

A Few Cases of Killer Pigs Facing Capital Punishment

Selections from The Book of Wonderful Characters

Thirteen Favors Given by a Hangman

Appetite for Intestinal Destruction: The Man Who Ate Glass, Nails, Tacks, and Frogs

A Conversation with the Dead About Levitation

Collect a Piece of Ricky Jay’s Extraordinary Collection

Remembering the Forgotten Georgia Wonder: Mattie Lee Price

Is Anybody Out There? The National UFO Historical Records Center Helps Search For Answers

Peek Inside the Life of a 1930s Sideshow Star: The Rubber Skin Lady’s Scrapbook is Now For Sale

39 Remarkable and Terrifying Things Experienced at a Eusapia Palladino Séance

A Strange Ouija Board Prediction and the Stranger Lives of the Blazek Sisters

He Was Buried Alive But Dug Up to Be Dissected By Anatomists

Mr. Boys: The Man Who Wanted to Leave His Body to the Girls

Four-Legged Phantoms and Paranormal Poultry

Holy Land USA is Now Creepy Land USA

Madame Vesta’s Spirit Concert Exposed

Elmer McCurdy: The Outlaw Who Outlived All Others

Sylvester, the Mummy of the West

The Flying Saucers That Didn’t Attack Seattle in 1952

When Mozart Was Commissioned By a Ghost

Sideshow Hall of Fame Inducts the Class of 2022

The Cuter Side of the Other Side

The Ghosts of Dickens’s Past

A Ghost is Busted: The 12-Year-Old Who Spooked a New Jersey Town in 1900

Houdini’s Tales of Sword Swallowers, Fire Eaters, Poison Defiers, Human Ostriches, and Other Miracle Mongers

Haunted Sites, Miraculous Mediums, and Spirits Through the Centuries in Your Weird Historian’s New Book, “Chasing Ghosts”

When Flying Saucers Spoke and a Few People Listened

For Those Who Like Reading about the Writing of the Insane

Jack the Ripper, Hypnotism, and Murderous What-Ifs

The Time the Clock-Eyed Boy Had His Fifteen Minutes of Fame